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Young Lives vs Cancer and CCLG call for a Children and Young People’s Cancer Plan

Tuesday 24 January 2023

Young Lives vs Cancer and CCLG release joint statement following an announcement from the Department of Health and Social Care that the government will develop and publish a “Major Conditions Strategy”

CLIC Sargent’s Chief Nurse move to strengthen collaboration between two cancer charities

Monday 3 May 2021


Information about neuroblastoma, including symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Icon representing neuroblastoma

How can I help my child to eat well during treatment?

From me to you: parents share their advice on helping their children eat well during treatment.

How do I tell my friends and family that my child has cancer?

From me to you: parents share their advice on telling friends and family about your child's diagnosis.

CLIC Sargent hoody

Can I look after my pet when my child is having treatment?

From me to you: parents share advice on looking after a pet when your child is on treatment.

Coronavirus guidance for children with cancer

Coronavirus guidance from CCLG for children and young people with cancer undergoing treatment.

CCLG logo

How can I protect my child from infections at home?

Advice on how to reduce infection risk for your child at home.