I have cancer

No one understands the impact of being diagnosed with cancer as a teenager or young adult more than you. What we do know is that it messes with parts of your life that are important to you, and having help and advice with those things can make a massive difference. So here it is. Your go-to place for everything you might need if you've got cancer, no matter how long you’ve been dealing with it.

Jump straight to information

Cancer and treatment

Everything you need to know about cancer treatment, side effects and tests.

In Hospital

Your place of treatment, staying in hospital and the team of people looking after you.


Getting financial support and managing your money while on treatment.

Sex and fertility

How your sex life, sexuality, relationships and fertility is impacted by cancer.

Mental Health

Looking after your emotions and general wellbeing on treatment and afterwards.


Getting support from your employer and work issues at diagnosis or after treatment.

Family and friends

How your cancer can affect the relationships with people in your life.


Speak up about cancer to help reduce the impact on education

Guides for the people in your life

It shouldn't always be on you to explain your experience of cancer and what you need to the people in your life. Here are some quick guides with information for them.

Common cancer challenges

Get straight to what’s most important to you. Here are the most common issues that other young people experience.

Need to talk about it?

We get that cancer reaches every corner of your life. It’s not just the medical stuff – it’s emotions, relationships, work, education and money too. No one understands that more than other young people who have been there. Join our Team Young Lives Facebook group to chat with others, get or give tips and advice, and take part in live Q&As with experts.

Join our Team Young Lives Facebook group now

How Young Lives vs Cancer can help you

Supporting you through coronavirus

Frequently updated information and resources to support you and your family through coronavirus.

For teens and young adults

Every young person is unique. That's why we provide a service to fit your lives and aspirations.

Your voice

We believe those with first-hand experience of cancer are the best people to tell us what needs to change.

Join our Facebook groups

Meet others with similar experiences, share your views and have your voice heard.

Get a Young Lives vs Cancer grant

Deal with the unexpected costs of cancer with a Young Lives vs Cancer grant.